Create transaction
/v1/payoutsA service that allows the Merchant to create a single withdrawal order from the account. Each time, the Merchant is required to provide withdrawal parameters, including but not limited to: merchantTransactionId, paymentChannel, amount, currency, customer, paymentSpecificData. To obtain the status of the withdrawal, the GET method /v1/payouts/{id} should be used.
A unique identifier generated by requesting client
Id of the transaction provided by merchant.
Origin Id of the transaction provided by merchant.
Id of the payment channel for selected payment method.
Amount of the transaction.
Currency code in ISO 4217 alphabetic code
URL address used by ZEN to send IPN to
Field used for fraud dedection system
If items are provided sum of items amount should be equal transaction amount
Item code
Item category
Item Name
Unit price of the item
Item quantity
Price multiplied by quantity
Customer's ID as provided by the merchant
User's ID as provided by the merchant
Id of the tenant (brand), such as G2A Pay, Zen.
Customer's firstname
Customer's lastname
Customer's email
Customer's phone number
Some information about customer
Identifier of customer account
Payout Address
Payout transaction fee owner
Type of transaction
Customer's ID as provided by the merchant
User's ID as provided by the merchant
Id of the tenant (brand), such as G2A Pay, Zen.
Customer's firstname
Customer's lastname
Country code
Street name
City name
Country state
Province name
Building number
Room number
Post code
Company name
Phone number
Customer's ID as provided by the merchant
User's ID as provided by the merchant
Id of the tenant (brand), such as G2A Pay, Zen.
Customer's firstname
Customer's lastname
Country code
Street name
City name
Country state
Province name
Building number
Room number
Post code
Company name
Phone number
"comment": "string",
"merchantTransactionId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"originMerchantTransactionId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"paymentChannel": "PCL_CARD",
"amount": "123.04",
"currency": "PLN",
"customIpnUrl": "",
"fraudFields": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"items": [
"code": "IDS123",
"category": "cars",
"type": "physical",
"name": "Multipla",
"price": "123.04",
"quantity": 1,
"lineAmountTotal": "123.04"
"customer": {
"id": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"userId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"tenantId": 101,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "+48 000 000 000",
"information": "Some information",
"accountId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"ip": ""
"paymentSpecificData": {
"payoutBtcAddress": "1HB5XDDddDDdDDDj6mfBsbifRoD4miY36v",
"feeOwner": "partner",
"type": "bitbaywithdrawal"
"billingAddress": {
"id": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"userId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"tenantId": 101,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"country": "DE",
"street": "Poloninska",
"city": "Rzeszow",
"countryState": "Utah",
"province": "Alberta",
"buildingNumber": "12",
"roomNumber": "5",
"postcode": "31-137",
"companyName": "Mega Corp Inc.",
"phone": "48664778234",
"taxId": "123-45-67-890"
"shippingAddress": {
"id": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"userId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"tenantId": 101,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"country": "DE",
"street": "Poloninska",
"city": "Rzeszow",
"countryState": "Utah",
"province": "Alberta",
"buildingNumber": "12",
"roomNumber": "5",
"postcode": "31-137",
"companyName": "Mega Corp Inc.",
"phone": "48664778234"
"source": {
"channel": "PTS_ZEN_API",
"pluginName": "string",
"pluginVersion": "string",
"platformName": "string",
"platformVersion": "string"
Request samples
Redirect url provided by PSP. If "actions" states it, buyer should be redirected to this url in order to proceed with payment
Image url after successul payment initialization (e.g., for QR code payment).
Merchant transaction Id. Sould be unique in merchant store.
Origin Id of the transaction provided by merchant.
Amount of the transaction.
Currency code in ISO 4217 alphabetic code
Amount of the transaction.
Currency of the amount specified in the amount
Amount of the transaction.
Amount of the transaction.
Type of transaction
Transaction status
Topup transfer status
Id of the payment channel for selected payment method.
Defines acctions that can be made for transaction
Field used for fraud dedection system
Origin Id of the transaction provided by merchant.
Amount of the transaction.
Currency code in ISO 4217 alphabetic code
Transaction status
Payout Address
btc Amount
Payout transaction fee owner
Return url after successul payment. (Will override defualt shop settings)
URL address used by ZEN to send IPN to
Return URL after 3DS authentiaction
Customer's ID as provided by the merchant
User's ID as provided by the merchant
Id of the tenant (brand), such as G2A Pay, Zen.
Customer's firstname
Customer's lastname
Customer's email
Customer's phone number
Some information about customer
Identifier of customer account
Token of merchant card
Name of bank issuing the payment card.
Country code
Name of the payment card organization.
Brand of the payment card.
Card profile token
Card type
The last four digits of a payment card number.
The payment card expiration date.
The first six digits of a payment card number.
Indicates card come from EEA.
Indicates card is commercial
BinChecker's id
BinChecker's low value
BinChecker's high value
CardHolder name
Customer's ID as provided by the merchant
User's ID as provided by the merchant
Id of the tenant (brand), such as G2A Pay, Zen.
Customer's firstname
Customer's lastname
Country code
Street name
City name
Country state
Province name
Building number
Room number
Post code
Company name
Phone number
Customer's ID as provided by the merchant
User's ID as provided by the merchant
Id of the tenant (brand), such as G2A Pay, Zen.
Customer's firstname
Customer's lastname
Country code
Street name
City name
Country state
Province name
Building number
Room number
Post code
Company name
Phone number
If items are provided sum of items amount should be equal transaction amount
Item code
Item category
Item Name
Unit price of the item
Item quantity
Price multiplied by quantity
Information about transaction cashback.
Information about cashback client.
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"parentTransactionId": "f8033cf6-befa-47f4-a48a-b915b8c72a71",
"redirectUrl": "",
"imageUrl": "",
"merchantAction": {
"action": "REDIRECT",
"data": {
"redirectUrl": ""
"merchantTransactionId": "string",
"originMerchantTransactionId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"amount": "123.04",
"currency": "PLN",
"fee": {
"amount": "123.04",
"currency": "EUR"
"subsidiaryData": {
"feeAmount": "123.04",
"grossAmount": "123.04"
"authorization": {
"amount": "string",
"currency": "string",
"fee": "string"
"createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.123Z",
"modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.123Z",
"type": "TRT_REFUND",
"status": "ACCEPTED",
"topupTransferStatus": "ACCEPTED",
"paymentChannel": "PCL_CARD",
"actions": {
"refund": false,
"cancel": false,
"capture": true,
"redirect": true,
"authorization": true
"fraudFields": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"rejectCode": "E40199",
"rejectReason": "Client doesn't have enough money.",
"refunds": [
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"merchantTransactionId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"originMerchantTransactionId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"amount": "123.04",
"currency": "PLN",
"createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.123Z",
"status": "ACCEPTED"
"meta": {
"payoutBtcAddress": "1HB5XDDddDDdDDDj6mfBsbifRoD4miY36v",
"btcAmount": "10",
"feeOwner": "partner",
"returnUrl": "",
"customIpnUrl": "",
"returnVerifyUrl": "",
"avsResult": "string",
"cvvResult": "string",
"authorisationCode": "string",
"resultCode": "string",
"threeDs": {
"xid": "string",
"version": "string",
"eci": "string",
"cavv": "string",
"cavvAlgorithm": "string",
"emv3DSFlow": "string",
"status": "string",
"cardHolderInfo": "string",
"errorData": {
"component": "string",
"description": "string",
"detail": "string"
"destinationCurrency": "string",
"destinationAddress": "string",
"amountToWithdraw": "string",
"paymentCryptoAddress": "string",
"cryptoAmount": "string",
"cryptoCurrencyShortName": "string",
"cryptoCurrencyFullName": "string",
"cryptoNetworkFee": "string",
"tracking": "string",
"qrCodeData": "string",
"cryptoCurrency": "string",
"promoCode": "string",
"walletCurrency": "string",
"currencyName": "string",
"currencyCode": "string",
"currencyLogoUrl": "string",
"network": "string",
"networkCode": "string",
"networkLogoUrl": "string",
"fundsAvailability": "string",
"captureMode": "string"
"customer": {
"id": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"userId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"tenantId": 101,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "+48 000 000 000",
"information": "Some information",
"accountId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"ip": ""
"cardInfo": {
"merchantCardToken": "string",
"bank": "Cool bank",
"country": "DE",
"organization": "visa",
"organizationBrand": "debit gold",
"token": "b5507016-7da2-4777-a161-1e8042a6a377",
"type": "CDT_DEBIT",
"lastFourDigits": 5516,
"expirationDate": "2018-08-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"bin": 557516,
"eea": true,
"commercial": true,
"binRangeId": "bbf4fa18-8b09-4717-9638-45912359ba15",
"binRangeLow": "string",
"binRangeHigh": "string",
"cardHolderName": "string"
"billingAddress": {
"id": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"userId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"tenantId": 101,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"country": "DE",
"street": "Poloninska",
"city": "Rzeszow",
"countryState": "Utah",
"province": "Alberta",
"buildingNumber": "12",
"roomNumber": "5",
"postcode": "31-137",
"companyName": "Mega Corp Inc.",
"phone": "48664778234",
"taxId": "123-45-67-890"
"shippingAddress": {
"id": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"userId": "23beb187-f8a3-44b8-9ef8-b31180358dd3",
"tenantId": 101,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"country": "DE",
"street": "Poloninska",
"city": "Rzeszow",
"countryState": "Utah",
"province": "Alberta",
"buildingNumber": "12",
"roomNumber": "5",
"postcode": "31-137",
"companyName": "Mega Corp Inc.",
"phone": "48664778234"
"items": [
"code": "IDS123",
"category": "cars",
"type": "physical",
"name": "Multipla",
"price": "123.04",
"quantity": 1,
"lineAmountTotal": "123.04"
"verifyReturnmac": "7e92079c-79e1-47bd-af9d-80c2f7783037",
"cashback": {
"active": false,
"values": [
"type": "PERCENT",
"value": "string"
"client": {
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"type": "string",
"tenantId": 101,
"email": ""
"source": {
"channel": "PTS_ZEN_API",
"pluginName": "string",
"pluginVersion": "string",
"platformName": "string",
"platformVersion": "string"