ZEN.COM supports both PROD and TEST environments, where:
- https://api.zen.com/... (e.g. https://api.zen.com/v1/transactions) is for PROD environment
- https://api.zen-test.com/... (e.g. https://api.zen-test.com/v1/transactions) if for TEST environment
Main rules:
To get access to test Credentials you need to log in to your my.zen.com panel, then select the Store settings and go to Settings page to check your individual Credentials.
- You need to request test access to API
- Two Payment methods are available for testing – Cards & Blik
- Endpoints are exactly the same as on the production, but with suffix – test.
Access to test credentials
To get access to test Credentials you need to write email to connect@zen.com or you can ask for access your Account / Sales Manager. After request Integration team will create for you access to TEST panel https://my.zen-test.com/ where you can find API keys, secrets etc. To log in to the panel you'll need to put phone number, OPT and PIN – all this data you'll get form integration team and creating test access in that format:
OTP: 000-000
PIN: 0000
In the control panel you have possibility to track your Transaction, create Refunds, manage you Shop settings etc… You can find there as well Credentials to your Shop / Terminal API.